Revolutionizing the automotive sector.

Caribou is the first product launched by BuboCar, a Spanish company established in 2015 by professionals in the automotive, insurance and software development sectors.

BuboCar is based on the specialization of the automotive sector, which allows us to provide technological solutions for day-to-day problems.

Our extensive experience gained over the years has prepared us to understand this sector from any perspective, and thus be able to help our clients.

BuboCar has been developing Caribou since 2015, a platform with the purpose of alleviating the stress that customers face with the maintenance and repair of their cars.

This tool does not come from a laboratory or from consulting hours, Caribou is born from the workshop and from the experience with real clients, being adapted to their needs and always with the same objective, to make taking the car to the workshop as transparent and less stressful as possible.

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